When you subscribe to our Data Smarts and get access to the ForwardKeys Connect platform, your account is automatically assigned a certain number of credits. Credits are calculated according to the number and the scope of the Data Smarts you subscribe to. A credit is a unit that allows us to measure the costs generated by your usage of the platform.
If your use of ForwardKeys Connect data fits within what we consider standard usage (see below), you will not have to worry about reaching your yearly allowance. However, if you believe your use cases require heavier usage, please contact your account manager to request an additional package of credits.
If you forget to do this, or you are not sure whether you will reach your subscribed limit, we will contact you when you reach 80% of the limit to suggest adding more credits to your account. If you exceed your yearly allowance and do not subscribe to an additional credit package, your service with ForwardKeys Connect will be interrupted.
What do we consider standard usage?
Here are some examples, calculated per Data Smart:
- Connecting one complex dashboard, or two simple dashboards, in a BI tool on top of one or more custom views, built following our recommendations, and refreshing it throughout a year - with the frequency corresponding to Data Smart update frequency, e.g. one refresh per week for Data Smarts which are updated weekly. Example: Connecting a view of up to 2 MB to Power BI might cost 0.25 credits for each refresh, which would total 65 credits per year if the refresh is performed daily on weekdays, or 13 credits per year if the refresh is performed weekly.
- Downloading files based on ten custom views built following our recommendations each time Data Smart is updated (e.g. one download per week for Data Smarts which are updated weekly) throughout a year. Example: Downloading a view of around 2 MB costs approximately 0.05 credits. Downloading 10 similar views each week during the year would therefore consume 26 credits.
- Establishing a connection with your cloud environment to receive initial historical data delivery, and then regularly receiving new data based on the Data Smart's master view or various properly prepared custom views.
What do we consider heavy usage?
- Sharing your dashboards, publicly on the Internet or with many internal users, with direct queries enabled, meaning that each time someone opens your dashboard, the data is refreshed. This can multiply costs unnecessarily. Example: Performing multiple refreshes per day for Data Smart with a weekly update frequency.
- Connecting an external tool on top of a full Data Smart view, without having limited the selection of columns or applied filtering criteria on the ForwardKeys Connect side.
- Downloading repeated data - or extracting it to an external tool. Example: Data Smarts such as Flight searches or Air supply - Flown flights and seat capacity receive new rows of data with each update without adjusting previously added records. Downloading one large file may cost around 0.2 credits. If ten views of this kind are downloaded each day from Monday to Friday during one full year, it would total 520 credits. This cost could be reduced significantly if each new download contained only newly added data.
- Transfer data to your cloud environment, repeating the same historical data deliveries multiple times.