We know that working with huge datasets can be a huge pain. Luckily, this is where Connect can be extremely helpful. By creating your customised views, you will be able to reduce the size of the datasets you work with significantly and make them much easier to be processed and consumed by external tools.
Let us share with you some recommendations on how to create small, easy-to-manage, optimised views:
1. Focus on a specific business question. Don't try to answer all of your questions with one single data view, remember that you can create as many views as you need and that small views work faster.
2. Apply your filters wisely. If you need to see a lot of different data points related to several countries, maybe it's worth splitting the view into smaller ones, one for each country/ city/ airport. If you are only interested in the past few months, why keep three years of departure dates in your view?
3. Remember that for most of the date columns, you can change the granularity to a higher one. If what you need to check are the quarterly figures instead of monthly ones, your view can get 3 times smaller only thanks to modifying the granularity.
4. Remove the columns that are not necessary to answer your specific question. We always group the results for you, so if you're interested in, for example, the passenger's origin country only, removing columns providing the origin city and airport will limit the number of rows in your view significantly.